
Veronika Djoulai is a visual artist working with sculpture, painting and found photography. She graduated from the Whitecliffe Collage of Arts and Design, Auckland, New Zealand and holds MA in Visual Arts. Veronika currently lives and works in Auckland, New Zealand.



Walking through forest eating grapes - Group show at DEMO

Public Domain - Group show at DEMO


How To Mingle With The Super Rich - Group show at HOTDATE


 Art Swap: Co – curated a group show with Leah Schlatter at Pearce Gallery, Whitecliffe college of arts and design, Auckland, New Zealand.

Collaboration with HARMAN GRUBISA. Launched 23/08/2014. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/viva-magazine/news/article.cfm?c_id=533&objectid=11311101

One of the finalist for Adam portraiture award 2013.http://www.nzportraitgallery.org.nz/portraits-online/adam-portraiture-award/adam-portraiture-award-gallery?field_year_tid=310&page=1

 Artists in Eden. Fund raising Auction. Mt Eden village, Auckland,


Group exhibition 26/08/2013, Veronika Djoulai (photographs) | Hikari Masunaga (video)| Vera Lin (installation) – “33.431441º, 169.101563º” at Pearce Gallery, Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design.  http://artsdiary.co.nz/bt39/1127/1.html

Overall winner of Eden arts School award. http://www.artsdiary.co.nz/bt36/1055/1.html

Winner of NZ art show emerging artist award. http://artshow.co.nz/Emerging+Artist+Awards+Recognise+Four+Outstanding+Young+Artists